SO-IAA School on Bayesian Statistics

Salón de Actos (IAA)

Salón de Actos





  • Monday May 5 - Basics of Bayesian Inference. A quick review of Bayes theorem, the basics of probability and probability distributions, followed by a fun exercise that introduces Bayesian inference in practice and how to define prior distributions. Finally, some connection to maximum likelihood and linear regression.
  • Tuesday May 6 - Bayesian Computation. Bayesian inference in practice: the basics of sampling algorithms, and how to know whether your model is less wrong than other models.
  • Wednesday May 7 - Beyond the linear model: hierarchical and generalized linear models. Going beyond the basics: population inference with hierarchical Bayesian modelling, fast inference with probabilistic and differentiable programming, and going beyond linear regression
  • Thursday May 8 - Simulation-based Bayesian Inference. Bayesian inference with implicit likelihoods: how to sample posteriors when the likelihood is not accessible, but a simulator is.

The lectures will include practical exercises.

Each morning session will include a coffee break.



5 - 8 May 2024 (Mon to Wed 9h - 14h, Thu 9h-12h)


Gwendolyn Eadie (University of Toronto)
Daniela Huppenkothen (SRON, The Netherlands)
Organizing Committee 
Rainer Schödel (IAA-CSIC)
Laura Darriba (IAA-CSIC)
Javier Moldón (IAA-CSIC)


The maximum number of participants will be limited to 40. 


The registration fee is 200€ for participants from the IAA-CSIC and 250 € for participants from external institutes. Registration is only considered complete once the payment has been received. Participants from the IAA-CSIC have to use their official ( email when registering so that the discount is applied correctly. Please register here


This event is supported by the "Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa" award to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía. We acknowledge financial support from the Severo Ochoa grant CEX2021-001131-S funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía.

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